Innovation informed by excellence

The District of Excellence (DoE) serves as an innovative environment where interventions and innovations addressing changes are meticulously crafted, tested, and refined before nationwide implementation. DoE sites, represented by Council Health Management Teams (CHMT), Hospital Management Teams (HMT), and lower-level managers, act as testing grounds for initiatives aimed at extracting knowledge on effective health strategies.

The challenge

Continuous changes in technologies, policies, and responses to global crises highlighted the need for research and innovation in digital health technologies. Post the DHIS2 National rollout in 2014, challenges emerged in testing various approaches, given routine DHIS2 use.

The implementers
  • President’s Office, Regional Administration and Local Government (PO-RALG), Tanzania
  • Ministry of Health, Tanzania
  • HISP Tanzania
  • University of Oslo
The solution

Design a hub for crafting, testing, and perfecting approaches and interventions before scaling nationally, aligning with the Ministry of Health’s call for research and innovation in digital health. 

The project centres around four key themes: Data Management and Information Use, Digital Innovation, Capacity Development, and Research & Documentation.

The impact

The District of Excellence (DoE) initiative has successfully institutionalised data management at district and facility levels, promoting a culture of data-driven decision-making. This has facilitated wider dissemination of health information and organisational performance, fostering transparency. Moreover, the initiative has empowered districts and facilities to achieve self-reliance in program monitoring and planning, enhancing their ability to address healthcare challenges effectively.