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Scaling to New Heights

The development landscape includes more nuanced issues in pursuit of the achievement of global objectives. Development practitioners and implementers, like us and the many organizations we work with, are seeking and creating modern and futuristic interventions.

Since our inception over a decade ago much of our work has been focused on advancing development outcomes in the health sector within Tanzania and beyond its borders. This positioning has established us as a key contributor to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly focusing on goal number 3, which centers on promoting good health and well-being.

In Somalia, UNICEF Somalia identified the challenges faced by the Ministry of Health with manual data collection and aggregation using paper-based tools, resulting in issues concerning data quality, delays, and incomplete information across health facilities. We implemented an  initiative facilitating the implementation of a DHIS2-based digital Health Management Information System to enhance data reporting, integrating the revised tools seamlessly.

While we have undertaken numerous significant projects in support of the health sector and its information systems, our ambition is to extend our reach, impact, and influence further. Hence, we aspire to set our sights higher by delving into other SDGs. We recognize the imperative of achieving these goals by 2030 for our country and the global community at large. Therefore, we aim to become a beacon of progress in Africa by executing projects that directly contribute to the advancement of governments across the continent.