The COVID-19 pandemic greatly affected all aspects of the global trade sector. In order to mitigate the regional effects, the East African Community (EAC) collaborated to implement better standard operating procedures.
HISP Tanzania, University of Dar es Salaam and the University of Oslo, The Ministry of Health
Separate and inefficient data management systems resulting in difficulty collecting, tracking and reporting payments and health data.
The EAC partner states developed systems for real time tracking and screening procedures of travellers in transit across East African countries. The following developments were implemented to address the integration effort:
To strengthen the Tanzanian COVID-19 response and the East African response at large, integration of the Information Management Systems was crucial for testing, sample collection, travel and results. HISP Tanzania provided technical support and ensured seamless synchronization of traveller information across the systems.
The integrated system supports registration of individuals for testing, it is free of charge and easy to use. Factors such as payment, results and data security have all been streamlined so as to ensure an efficient service. Furthermore, due to its efficiency, efforts are being made to integrate the system into other community systems in Africa.
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