Shinda Malaria: advancing malaria elimination in Tanzania

Malaria is a pressing concern in developing nations which bears global significance. The Shinda Malaria project, operating in the Tanzanian regions of Katavi and Kagera, aims to reduce the malaria burden and move towards elimination. The project concentrates on both facility- and community-based malaria activities, emphasising support for vulnerable populations such as pregnant women and children under five. 

The implementers
  • Ifakara Health Institute
  • Tanzania Communication and Development Center (TCDC)
  • Akros, Zambia
The challenge

Multiple and fragmented information systems for malaria data tracking with Insufficient integration and interoperability, Existing Data quality issues and challenges with non-routine data management.

The solution

We provide technical assistance to strengthen health information systems and implement digital solutions for seamless project execution, streamlining and integrating malaria data capturing and use with enhanced data quality and verification. Establishing and Implementating standard operating procedures in malaria data management

Our intervention includes:

  1. Implemented validation checks in DHIS2 – HMIS system.
  2. Supported the Composite MIS system to obtain subdomains.
  3. Developed digital solutions for facilitating Therapeutic Efficacy Studies (TES).
  4. Created the Shinda Malaria Management Information System.
The impact

In the initial year, we have:

  1. Improved data quality in DHIS2 – HMIS system.
  2. Improved operations and planning of the Shinda Malaria project with the digital Management Information System.