Category: Projects

  • Reducing HIV infection and vulnerability in Lesotho

    Reducing HIV infection and vulnerability in Lesotho

    Reducing HIV infection and vulnerability in Lesotho The Karabo ea Bophelo (KB) OVC-DREAMS Project is a solution aimed at preventing new HIV infections and reducing vulnerability among orphans and vulnerable children, adolescent girls, and young women in Lesotho. The implementers HISP Tanzania EGPAF JHPIEGO PSI M2M CoHIPSEC Baylor Lesotho The challenge  Multiple data management systems…

  • System Integration for a robust East African COVID-19 response

    System Integration for a robust East African COVID-19 response

    System Integration for a robust East African COVID-19 response The  COVID-19 pandemic greatly affected all aspects of the  global trade sector. In order to mitigate the regional effects, the East African Community (EAC) collaborated to implement better standard operating procedures. The implementors HISP Tanzania, University of Dar es Salaam and the University of Oslo, The…

  • Transforming Tanzania’s health information interface

    Transforming Tanzania’s health information interface

    The global digitisation movement calls for a transformation of the relationship that individuals have with their health records. Tanzania is answering this call through modernising the system through which national health information is accessed to improve health management and responses to national health problems. The challenge Tanzanian citizens and public health actors face difficulties accessing…

  • Innovation informed by excellence

    Innovation informed by excellence

    The District of Excellence (DoE) serves as an innovative environment where interventions and innovations addressing changes are meticulously crafted, tested, and refined before nationwide implementation. DoE sites, represented by Council Health Management Teams (CHMT), Hospital Management Teams (HMT), and lower-level managers, act as testing grounds for initiatives aimed at extracting knowledge on effective health strategies.…

  • Shinda Malaria: advancing malaria elimination in Tanzania

    Shinda Malaria: advancing malaria elimination in Tanzania

    Malaria is a pressing concern in developing nations which bears global significance. The Shinda Malaria project, operating in the Tanzanian regions of Katavi and Kagera, aims to reduce the malaria burden and move towards elimination. The project concentrates on both facility- and community-based malaria activities, emphasising support for vulnerable populations such as pregnant women and…

  • Elevating health data management in Somalia

    Elevating health data management in Somalia

    The Ministry of Health in Somalia is exercising a commitment to informed decision-making through the implementation of dhis2, a robust web-based system serving as the main health management information system.  Dhis2 enables real-time data reporting, monitoring, and program-specific tracking, ensuring coordinated and grounded interventions in health. The implementers HISP Tanzania University of Oslo WHO Somalia…